General Information
Affiliation Agreements
The district frequently enters into affiliation agreements with colleges and universities to place student teachers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers, and speech/language therapists in our district schools so that they may complete their undergraduate requirements. This benefits both our district and those undergraduate students who participate in this program. For further information, you may phone the Related Services Department at 609-465-2720 extension 4402.
CMC Special Services School District Rules/Expectations
Students attending the Cape May County High School are to comply with the following rules:
- Be in assigned classroom at the assigned time
- Use appropriate language in classrooms and hallways
- Inappropriate physical contact with other students or staff members is not permitted
- Keep hats off inside the building
- Open containers and beverages are not permitted in the hallways
- Be Safe; Be Respectful; Be Kind; Be Responsible
- All students are required to follow the Student Code of Conduct
CMC Special Services School District Non-Smoking Rules
It is illegal to smoke anywhere on school grounds! Parents and visitors must also comply with this State Law on our school grounds.
- All items found in the possession of a student i.e. cigarettes, electronic smoking devices and/or smoking paraphernalia (lighters, matches, etc.), will be confiscated and will not be returned to the student. Refusal to turn over the items will result in a suspension.
- If any student is caught smoking on school grounds, he/she will face consequences.
PLEASE NOTE: Calling the police and pressing charges for violating New Jersey State Law is an option with each offense. PLEASE KEEP OUR SCHOOL SAFE BY FOLLOWING THESE RULES!
CMCSSSD Education Foundation
The Education Foundation is an independent, non-profit entity created to provide support for innovative and exemplary special programs and projects that would directly benefit the students of the Cape May County Special Services School District. The Foundation has funded a lift system, pool accessible wheelchairs, a wheelchair accessible playground, numerous mini-grants to educational staff for classroom programs, a fully equipped sensory room in Ocean Academy, assistive technology equipment, specialized physical/occupational therapy equipment, a student/staff weight room, 12-passenger vans, and new acoustical tiles for the gymnasium to improve the sound quality. The Foundation’s primary fund-raiser is the annual Auction/Dinner held each fall.
Community Aquatic Program
The Community Aquatic Program provides classes and recreational swimming experiences to meet the interests and needs of the residents of Cape May County. Information regarding the program can be found on the district website, under Community→ Aquatic Program or by contacting the Community Aquatic Planner at 609-465-2820 ext. 3303.
Crisis Management
In the event of an emergency, the school district has a crisis management team on site. The team members can communicate with each other to ensure efficient handling of any emergency situation. In addition, the Board of Education has approved a School Safety and Security Plan, which is followed in the event of an emergency.
Staff and students are trained and participate in evacuation and other drills on a regularly scheduled basis. Security drills are held monthly.
School district buildings and grounds are equipped with electronic surveillance for the safety of students, staff, and campus visitors. Your actions may be recorded and preserved.
Examples of Safe Schools Practices at CMCSSSD
- Visitors must be admitted to the building via a voice and video security system;
- All visitors must enter the school at the main entrance, show valid state issued identification, log in with the school secretary, and obtain a visitors badge;
- All employees are required to wear an identification badge;
- Parents are required to notify the school when their child is absent. If no call is received, every attempt is made to call the home; and
- Individual and group counseling is available to students to assist them in dealing with difficult issues.
Deaf Student’s Bill of Rights
S-2044 (P.L.2021, c.204) establishes the “Deaf Student’s Bill of Rights,” recognizing that students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind have the same rights and potential as other students. This bill requires that school districts provide such students with the following:
- Screening and assessment of hearing and vision capabilities, and communication and language needs, at the earliest possible age and the continuation of screening and evaluation services throughout a student’s education.
- Early intervention to support the acquisition of solid language bases.
- Information for parents concerning all placement considerations and options available, which will provide opportunities for parents and guardians to fully participate in the development and implementation of their child’s education plan.
- Opportunities to learn advocacy skills, including self-advocacy.
- Opportunities to meet and associate with their peers in the school environment and during school-sponsored activities.
- Direct instruction.
- A communication plan in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a plan prepared pursuant to section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
- Placement that is best suited to the child’s individual needs including social, emotional, communication, and cultural needs, with consideration for the child’s age, degree and type of hearing loss, academic level, and mode of communication.
- Full communication access to all programs in their educational settings.
- Information for parents on the medical, ethical, cultural, and linguistic issues of individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind.
District Website –
Our district maintains a website that gives current information about activities and events throughout our schools. The district website has a calendar of events, teacher contact information, family and community resources, information about all school departments and personnel, and press releases about our students and schools.
Policies and Regulations may be accessed through the district website under District→ Board of Education→ Policies and Regulations.
We are excited to announce the opening of our new Parent Portal! Parents and Guardians will have the opportunity to access their child’s school-related data, contact information, and school calendar through the portal. Please note that many additional features will be added throughout the upcoming months. A link to the Parent Portal can be found on the district website under Parents→ Parent Portal.
Education Records
Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. These rights are:
- The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school Director a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the School to amend a record should write to the school Director, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it should be changed. Records generated through the sending district can only be amended by the sending districts. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
- The right to privacy of personally identifiable information in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, Supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the School has outsourced services or functions it would otherwise use its own employees to perform (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or a parent, student, or other volunteer assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Upon request, the School discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the student’s enrollment or transfer.
The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20222.
Extracurricular Activities
We encourage our students to participate in the activities offered. In addition, we will do everything we can to facilitate the participation of our students in team and club activities in the various sending districts. Any student interested should see the school Director. Parents are required to pick their students up promptly when after school activities are completed.
All immunization shots and records must be kept up to date or your child may be excluded from school as per New Jersey State mandate. Please notify the school nurse if your child receives any additional immunizations during the year.
Injury / Illness
Any student health/medical needs should be communicated directly to the school nurse. Please comply with the following procedures when your child has an injury or illness:
- If a child is found to have an elevated temperature by the school nurse, the child may be sent home and is to remain home for at least 24 hours or one full day until the temperature is normal.
- Following any illness requiring your child to be out of school, you must send a note including the type of illness, whether your child was seen by a doctor, and a list of any medication that was prescribed.
- Following any injury, medical procedure, or surgery, a written doctor’s note permitting return to school is required. The note must include the type of injury, procedure or limitations on activities the student will have in school.
- A child injured during the school day is covered under a school insurance policy. This coverage is only secondary to your insurance policy. An insurance form will be provided to you and it is your responsibility to complete and mail the form to the insurance provider.
- Any student with an open wound must have the wound covered while at school.
- No student with an open, draining wound will be permitted in the pool or therapy pool.
- If a student is found to have head lice or nits, he/she will be sent home to be treated. The student may not return to school until his/her lice and nits are no longer present. Upon returning to school the parent/guardian must bring the student to the school nurse to be checked before the student is admitted to class.
Media Center
The district’s Media Center provides access to a comprehensive inventory of literature and multimedia materials integrated across curricular content areas, for the use of students, staff members, and the community.
All correspondence to the nurse should be placed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the nurse, and marked confidential. The following guidelines will be followed if your child will be taking medication in school:
- Any prescribed medications needed during the school day can be administered by the school nurse, under our school doctor’s direction.
- No medication will be given without a new prescription from your child’s doctor dated for the current school year. Please ask your doctor to write “FILE COPY” on the prescription. If you have recently sent in medication for your child without an updated prescription, contact your child’s doctor immediately for a new prescription.
- For legal as well as safety concerns, all medications must be in the original container stating your child’s name, medication, and dosage in order for the school nurse to administer any medication to your child.
- If your child is unable to swallow medication with water, you will be responsible for providing applesauce, pudding, etc.
- If you have any questions or to notify the school nurse of any changes in your child’s medication, please call 609-465-2720 and dial the extension for the appropriate school:
- Ocean Academy – extension 4414 or 4415
- Cape May County High School – extension 4423 or 4424
Medical Screening
During the school year, your child will have various health screenings. New Jersey State Law requires these screenings for all children attending public schools. They will include weight, height, blood pressure, vision, hearing, and scoliosis of the spine. Screenings will be administered either by the school nurse or by the school physician. When screenings are completed, you will be notified of any significant findings.
Personal Items / Technology
Students should not bring large amounts of money or valuables to school. The school will not bear responsibility for personal items lost or stolen, including iPods, iPads, cell phones, etc.
As a district, we support the use of technology as an instructional tool, and district provided technology may be used within the parameters of the Acceptable Use Policy. However, personal technology that interferes or disrupts the educational process is not permitted. Cell phones, iPads, iPods and any other technological devices brought from home must be locked and secured in an approved area or given to a staff member upon request. If an instructional activity requires the use of one of these technological devices, permission may be given by the Director or designee. In accordance with district policy personal technology devices may not be connected to the district network.
In an effort to provide the safest possible learning environment for our students and staff, all entrances into the buildings are locked and are accessible by staff card key or by ringing the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing entrance and identifying yourself to be buzzed in.
In addition, visitors are asked to comply with the following:
- All visitors MUST report to the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing;
- All visitors MUST show identification before receiving a visitor pass; and
- All visitors MUST display the above visitor pass when in the building.
Regarding pick-up of children:
- Parents/Guardians must call ahead to pick up child(ren)
- Parents/guardians must sign in at the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing
- When a non-parent/guardian is picking up a student, the parent/guardian must notify the school office in writing of who will be picking up the student from school. The non-parent/guardian must be at least 18 years of age and will be required to show identification before the child(ren) will be permitted to leave.
- Students may only be picked up at the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing. No student will be released through any other entrance/exit.
Student Code of Conduct
The Cape May County Special Services Code of Conduct is based on the following pillars of character which are the core of our Social Skills Program: Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness.
Statement of Student Responsibilities
Students enrolled in the CMCSSSD have the following responsibilities:
- Responsibility to attend school on a regular basis and to be on time
- Responsibility to complete all work as assigned
- Responsibility to obey school rules and state and federal laws
- Responsibility to respect the rights of others
- Responsibility for your own actions
- Responsibility to use appropriate language
- Responsibility to respect school and personal property
- Responsibility to abide by the dress code
Statement of Student Rights
Students enrolled in CMCSSSD have the following rights:
- The right to a free, appropriate, public education
- The right to due process of the law
- The right to equal protection
- The right to be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying
- The right to attend a safe and drug-free school
Statement of School Rules
Pupils shall:
- Be respectful to all teachers;
- Demonstrate respect to self by coming to school consistently and not being truant; by not smoking on school property; by not possessing, using or distributing a substance in violation of Policy # 5530;
- Demonstrate respect to others by not using, threatening or inciting physical force against anyone on school property; using force of any kind; using foul, abusive language, engaging in any type of harassment intimidation or bullying; possessing or using weapons or any implement intended to harm others; conveying information about other pupils or staff members known to be false; acting recklessly as to endanger the safety of others; procuring the property of others through threat or intimidation; falsifying an excuse or any school document;
- Demonstrate respect to property andnot steal, damage or deface the property of other students, staff members or the district; smoke, create litter, or vandalize property; enter school premises or any specific portion of the premises without permission and without authority; sound or cause to be sounded a false alarm for fire, bomb, or another condition or circumstance hazardous to others; and
- Demonstrate good citizenship, trustworthiness, responsibility, fairness and caring by maintaining order and limiting disruptions on school premises; refrain from illegal gambling, setting fires, cheating, insubordination, possessing or exploding firecrackers or other explosive devices on school property; joining secret societies prohibited by law, or violating codes of conduct adopted for organizations of pupils; and by refraining from engaging in any other activity expressly prohibited by a school staff member in authority.
Consequences and Remedial Measures
The following disciplinary measures may be applied as appropriate to the pupil's violation of school rules. The measures are sequential and are organized in order of severity.
- Admonishment
- Temporary Removal from Classroom
- Deprivation of Privileges
- Detention (transportation will be the responsibility of the parent)
- In-School Suspension
- Out of School Suspension
- Termination of Placement from Cape May County Special Services School District
The following remedial measures may be taken to aid in correcting pupil conduct:
- Restitution and Restoration
- Counseling
- Parent Conferences
Suspected illegal actions will be reported to the police for investigation.
Substance Abuse Policy Statement
The Board of Education recognizes alcohol and other drug dependency as an illness and a major health and behavior problem and recognizes that unless schools and their students are drug and alcohol free, optimum conditions for learning do not exist. The Board of Education, by adopting this policy, which was developed through administration and staff participation, directs the Assistant Superintendent and staff to place into effect procedures for this policy. The Board pledges not only to meet, but to exceed State and Federal mandates for an alcohol and drug free district by providing the best programs possible for enforcement, intervention, and prevention of drug and alcohol abuse.
Students are prohibited from possessing, consuming or distributing drugs and alcohol in any form while at school, on school grounds, attending a school related function on or off campus, and traveling to and from school. Students are further prohibited from smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes or using tobacco products in any form in school buildings and on school grounds.
Students may be subject to medical examination, suspension, and other disciplinary sanctions established by this policy. Students and their parents/guardians are advised that New Jersey laws may require additional penalties beyond school sanctions for drug-related offenses on and off school grounds. A summary of these laws and the penalties will be provided to students and their parents/guardians annually.
If a student is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the parent will be called and arrangements will be made to have the student tested. A student may not return to school until the testing is complete and a doctor has verified that the student may return to school.
The Cape May County Special Services School District will make every effort to prevent student involvement with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful behavioral-health matters by providing age appropriate education programs and supportive counseling. Parents and staff will receive detailed information about the procedures and consequences, legal and health related, of the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
The Board of Education further directs the Assistant Superintendent or his/her designee to conduct an annual review of the Policy and Procedures, and to report on the effectiveness to the Board of Education.
In establishing this policy, the Board of Education further directs the Assistant Superintendent to have programs and procedures developed and implemented for the purpose of assisting students who experience problematic drug or alcohol use. It is the Board’s intention to use the disciplinary sanctions of this policy as a means of helping students recover from the debilitating effects of alcohol and drug abuse. It is in this spirit that the development and enforcement of the policy is intended.
The school Director has further information on the implementation of this policy in each of our schools.
Students who indulge in disruptive behavior may be suspended. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Continued and willful disobedience
- Open defiance of the authority of any teacher or person having authority over him/her
- Actions that constitute a continuing danger to the physical well-being of other pupils
- Physical assault upon another pupil
- Taking, or attempting to take, personal property or money from another pupil whether by force or fear
- Willfully causing, or attempting to cause, substantial damage to school property
- Taking part in any unauthorized occupancy of a district facility and refusing to leave promptly when directed to do so by a person in authority
- Inciting other students to truancy
- Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Bringing drugs or alcohol to school
- Making verbal threats to staff and other students
Pupils who commit assault upon a teacher, administrator, board member or other employees of the Board of Education acting in the performance of their duties or in a situation where their authority to so act is apparent, may be suspended from school consistent with procedural due process.
The Assistant Superintendent, in consultation with the Board attorney, shall develop regulations to assure due process to all students before a suspension is imposed and shall include:
- Informing the student of the charges against him/her
- Giving the student a chance to reply to the charges
When the Director imposes a suspension they must report it to the Assistant Superintendent, who will in turn report it to the Board of Education. No suspension may continue beyond the second regular meeting of the Board following the suspension without Board of Education action. No suspension may be continued beyond 25 days without Board of Education action.
The school policy is to accept only those visitors who have legitimate school business. ALL VISITORS MUST ENTER AT THE GEORGE E. BAILEY WING ENTRANCE. For school security and safety reasons all parents and visitors must register in the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing, show valid state issued identification, log in with the school secretary, receive a building pass, and wait in the office until the secretary notifies the staff member you are here to see. STUDENTS MAY NOT BRING VISITORS TO SCHOOL. All parents/guardians and visitors are expected to return their building pass to the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing, log out with the school secretary, and leave promptly when their business is completed.