District Guidelines
Acceptable Use Policy
Cape May County Special Services School District has an ACCEPTABLE USE OF COMPUTER NETWORK(S)/COMPUTERS AND RESOURCES Policy #2361, which applies to all computer network and internet use in our district. You may view this policy on the district website under District→ Board of Education→ Policies and Regulations, or by calling the school for a copy at 609-465-2720 ext. 2203. All students are required to abide by the rules regarding acceptable use.
Anti-Hazing Policy
A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Hazing is conduct that disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe and disciplined environment. The Board of Education prohibits acts of hazing and has adopted Policy #5541 against hazing in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:37-32.2. The provisions of this Policy apply to high school(s); middle school(s); and/or elementary school(s) in the school district. You may view Policy #5541 Anti-Hazing, on the district website under District→ Board of Education→ Policies and Regulations, or by calling the school for a copy at 609-465-2720 ext. 2203.
Arrival / Departure Procedures
Parents/Guardians who transport their child(ren) to school must follow the following procedures upon arrival:
- Parents/Guardians must park in the lot closest to the GEB Wing which is located off of Crest Haven Road via Driveway #3 by the Board Office entrance.
- Parents/Guardians must sign-in their child at the parent drop off/pick up station located by the Board Office Entrance.
- Students will be escorted to their classroom by CMCSSSD Staff.
- After 9:00AM Parents/Guardians must go to the GEB Wing Main Office to sign in your child(ren) and Parents will wait in Room 201 with their child.
To ensure the safety of students, parents/guardians, bus drivers and staff, who will be transporting their child(ren) from school at the close of the school day must follow the following procedures:
- Parents/Guardians must be parked by 2:00 pm in the lot closest to the GEB Wing.
- Parents/Guardians must sign-out their child at the parent drop off/pick up station located by the Board Office signifying the release of the student to the parent/guardian. Students will be escorted by staff to the parent pick-up station.
The Cape May County Schools for Special Services Board of Education believes that the educational process requires continuous, uninterrupted school attendance for all students. The Board of Education recognizes the responsibility of parents/guardians to see that students attend school regularly. All students are expected to be in school each day. In December 2012, Governor Christie signed Tabitha’s Law which requires parents or guardians to notify the school if their child will be absent from school. If the Director or designee determines that the child is absent without a valid excuse and if the reason is unknown to school personnel, then the Director or designee will immediately attempt to contact/notify the parent and determine the reason for the absence. In our school the designee could be the school secretary, a case manager or teacher. There are three (3) types of absences, excused, unexcused counting toward truancy, and unexcused not counting toward truancy as determined by N.J.S.A. 18A:38. Excused Absence is a student’s absence from school for a full day or a portion of the day for the observance of a religious holiday pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-14 through 16, for Take Your Child to Work Day, or any other absence as determined to be excused by the New Jersey Department of Education. Unexcused Absence that does not count toward truancy is a student’s absence from school for a full day or a portion of a day for the reasons listed below:
- The student’s illness is supported by a written letter from the parent upon the student’s return to school;
- The students required attendance in court;
- Where appropriate, when consistent with the IEP, the Individual with Disabilities Act, accommodations plans under 29 U.S.C. §§ 794 and 705(20), and individualized health care plans;
- The student’s suspension from school;
- Family illness or death supported by a written letter from the parent upon student’s return to school;
- Visits to post-secondary institutions;
- Interviews with prospective employer or with an admissions officer of an institution of higher education;
- Examinations for a driver’s license;
- Necessary or unavoidable medical or dental appointments that cannot be schedule at a time other than a school day
Unexcused Absence that does count toward truancy would be for any other reason not listed above.The Director is required to inform sending school districts regarding all absences and unacceptable attendance patterns. Parents will receive phone calls regarding all unexcused absences. Sending school district’s policies determine loss of credit for high school students and continued enrollment at Cape May County High School or Ocean Academy. Please refer to the Board of Education Policy #5200 on Attendance which can be found on the district website under District→ Board of Education→ Policies and Regulations.
In order to maintain the scheduled bus route times please have your child ready 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time. This will enable the bus(es) to arrive at school on time. While the law requires the sending school district to furnish transportation, it does not relieve the parents of students from the responsibility of supervision. Once a student boards the bus, and only at that time, does he/she become the responsibility of the school district. Such responsibility shall end when the student is delivered to the regular bus stop at the close of the school day. In view of the fact that a bus is an extension of the classroom, the Board of Education shall require students to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior. In cases when a student does not conduct him/herself properly on a bus, the Director will invoke the discipline code. It is necessary for a report to be filled out by the bus driver. Students who become serious discipline problems on the school bus may have their riding privileges suspended by the Director. In such cases, the parent/guardian of the student involved and the sending district will be notified to determine an alternate transportation method.
Care of School Property
Students should not mark school furniture, walls, ceiling, floor, or equipment with pen, paint, or any other instrument. Anyone willfully destroying school property through vandalism, arson, or larceny or who creates a hazard to the safety of our students will be referred to the proper law enforcement agency and will be monetarily responsible for all damages in addition to facing school disciplinary action.
Complaint Resolution
Many times complaints are a result of miscommunication. A question, concern, comment, or complaint should first be addressed to the child’s teacher who may be able to clarify the facts. If the complaint is not resolved at that level, the school Director may be contacted. Most issues should be resolved at the school level but if they are not, the Assistant Superintendent’s office may be contacted.
Crisis/Evacuation Drills
In the event of a crisis situation in the building, crisis management procedures are in place. Crisis drills will be held once a month. Students are expected to follow all of the crisis procedures and obey the directions of the staff members in charge at their location. Silence is imperative so students are not permitted to use cell phones during a crisis drill. In the case of a true emergency, parents would be notified as soon as possible using the phone notification system. An evacuation plan is posted in each room. When the alarm sounds, students should leave the room through the proper exit quietly and quickly. Students must stay with their classes and no one is to return to the building until the signal is given. Tampering with fire alarms and fire extinguishers is an illegal act and will be treated accordingly.
Diapers and Wipes
Diapers and wipes are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. An adequate supply should be marked with our child’s name on them and sent to the classroom. The teacher will let you know when supplies for your child are getting low.
District and State Testing
Students participate as appropriate in the New Jersey Statewide Assessment System, which includes the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA), and the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) as determined by their IEP. Testing accommodations for statewide assessment are made according to individual student needs as listed in the IEP. Further information on district and state testing is available by contacting the school Director.
Dress Code
Pupils should wear clothing that is appropriate for their age and for school. Pupils are expected to come to school wearing neat, appropriate and suitable attire that does not distract others and is not offensive. Clothing that is appropriate for the beach, pool, or health club is not appropriate for school. Examples of inappropriate attire include, but are not limited to, garments that reveal undergarments, midriffs, or buttocks. Pants must be able to stay up without being hand held. The length of skirts, dresses, and shorts should be appropriate for school. The straps of tank tops should be at least two inches wide. Spaghetti straps, halter-tops, short shorts, hats, headbands, sunglasses, ski goggles, and bandanas are not appropriate for school.
Pupils may not wear clothing and/or accessories that have any associations with substances, violence, or gangs. Clothing that is offensive to any national ethnic, religious, sexual orientation, or gender group is not appropriate for school. Clothing that has any obscene writing or promotes suggestive, indecent, or unacceptable school behavior whether stated or implied will not be permitted. Shoes/sneakers are required to be worn at all times. Discretion should be used regarding the appropriateness and/or safety of certain types of shoes. FLIP FLOPS ARE PROHIBITED and sandals are discouraged. Students wearing inappropriate clothing will be required to change.
Early Dismissal for Individual Students
Ocean Academy / CMC High SchoolIn the event a parent/guardian requests that a student be released from school early, a signed request from the parent/guardian stating the time and reason for early release with the phone number of the parent/guardian must be in the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing by 8:45 a.m. All requests are subject to the attendance policy and will be verified. The student must be signed out by the parent/guardian in the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing, and if returning that day, signed back in. If a family member other than the parent/guardian will be picking the student up, that person must be at least 18 years of age and their name must be on the note from the parent/guardian. Valid state issued identification will be requested before releasing the student. Students must not leave the building without proper authorization.
Parents/guardians must sign in and wait in the Main Office in the George E. Bailey Wing when picking up students. No student can be picked up or dismissed from any other school entrance.
Emergency School Closings
In the event of an emergency closing prior to the start of the school day, students will be notified by an automated phone notification system and announcements will be made on the following TV stations, and websites along with the district website:
- WPVI-TV ABC 6 or www.6abc.com
- WCAU NBC 10 or www.nbc10.com
In the event of an emergency closing during the regular school day, you will be notified by the automated phone notification system. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the emergency contact number will be used.
Parents/guardians: Please ensure that your phone number(s) and emergency contact information is current and updated as changes occur.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
The Board of Education prohibits acts of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying of a pupil. The Board expects pupils to conduct themselves in keeping with their levels of development, maturity, and demonstrated capabilities with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other pupils and school staff, the educational purpose underlying all school activities, and the care of school facilities and equipment consistent with the Code of Pupil Conduct.
Consequences and appropriate remedial action for a pupil or staff member who commits one or more acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or termination of pupils placement, as set forth in the Board approved Code of Pupil conduct pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.1. You may view Policy #5512 on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying on the district website under District→ Board of Education→ Policies and Regulations, or by calling the school for a copy at 609-465-2720 ext. 2203.
Click here for more information about HIB including who to contact.
Insurance Statement
Parents/guardians are advised that the school district does not provide insurance coverage for lost or damaged personal property or equipment. Should such damage or loss occur, it is recommended that parents/guardians contact their personal insurance carrier.
Legal Custody
A record shall be kept indicating the legal custodian of each pupil. Such custodian shall be responsible for informing the Board of Education of any change in the pupil’s guardianship. If one parent/guardian has been awarded custody of the pupil in a divorce settlement, the other parent/guardian shall present to the Director a letter permitting that person to accompany the child to or from school. The Director must take such steps as deemed necessary to ensure that the child is released only to the proper adult guardian.
School Meal Program
Breakfast at school is encouraged and our district serves Breakfast After the Bell. Our school day starts at 8:45AM. Breakfast After the Bell is served in the classrooms and is conducted from 8:55AM to 9:25AM at both Ocean Academy and CMC High School. Forms are sent home in August for families to apply for free or reduced meals. For students who do not qualify for free or reduced meals a calendar will be sent home with the costs for each particular month for both breakfast and lunch. Please use this as your guide to what you should send in by the first of each month if you choose to have your child purchase lunch and/or breakfast. School Lunch Menus are also available on the district website under Parents→ School Lunch. District Policy #8550 “Unpaid Meal Charges/Outstanding Food Service Charges” can be found on the district website under District→ Board of Education→ Policies and Regulations.
School Nurse
- Ocean Academy, 609-465-2720 ext. 4414 or 4415
- CMC High School, 609-465-2720 ext. 4423 or 4424
A nurse is available in the Health Office for cases of school related injury or illness during school hours. A student whose illness necessitates his/her leaving school must have that fact recorded in both the Health Office and the School Office. Other emergencies that necessitate a parent/guardian picking up their child during the school day must be handled through the School Office.
A written request MUST be signed by the parent/guardian (no verbal requests will be honored) and given to the School Office for school records. Signing out without proper authorization will be considered leaving school without permission regardless of who provides the transportation and will result in implementation of the discipline code. Students are not permitted to take any medication in school except under the nurse’s supervision. A parent/guardian must send the original prescription bottle to school indicating the accurate dosage and a prescription dated for the current year. Please see the Medication section on page 19.
School Trips and Teacher Permission Forms
Eligible pupils wishing to participate in any authorized school trip must secure their parent/guardian’s signature on the parent permission form before they may participate. Eligibility will be determined by compliance with school rules and regulations. Teachers act as chaperones on all trips and their instructions must be complied with at all times. Unauthorized conduct and misuse of privileges are reported to the Director’s Office by the teacher in charge.
When pupils enter school after the assigned starting time, they must sign in at the school office in order to obtain a pass to enter their class. Tardiness is included in the attendance policy.