Community Based Instruction

Cape May County Special Services School District is committed to providing a quality education that enables all students to become contributing and valued members of society.         

Community Based Instruction (CBI) at Cape May County Special Services is designed for students that need intensive instruction in functional and daily living skills. CBI is educational instruction in naturally occurring community environments, providing students “real life experiences.” 

The goal is to provide a variety of hands-on learning opportunities throughout the county for students in grades 6 through age 21 in order to help students acquire the skills to live in the world today. Every CBI program at Cape May County Special Services includes the following: 

  • Identify learning objectives 
  • Be developmentally appropriate 
  • Assess student performance, including self-assessment methodologies 
  • Include an orientation for all parties 
  • Provide opportunities for student reflection 
  • Independent Living Skills
  • Personal Management Skills
  • Link to the student’s next work-based learning experience 
  • Provide links between classroom learning and professional  expectations
  • Linkages to Adult Support Services
  • Job Development and Site Identification
  • Job Coaching

       Community-Based Instruction enhances community inclusion with students without disabilities, employers, family and other community members, ultimately enhancing an individual’s quality of life. Community-based instruction occurs routinely, on a regularly scheduled basis and is specifically related to IEP objectives.

Michele Ridgway
