Gifted & Talented
1. Policies and procedures used to identify students as gifted and talented;
District Website:
Regulation #2464 Gifted and Talented Students Identification and Selection:
- Classroom teachers will be familiar with the criteria for identifying gifted and talented students and will be alert to students who exhibit those criteria. The identification methodology will be developmentally appropriate, non-discriminatory, and related to the programs and services offered by the district.
- The Director of Curriculum and Instruction or designee will review the cumulative files of all ninth through twelfth grade students against the criteria for identifying gifted and talented students. The review will include consideration of intelligence ratings, classroom achievements, the results of standardized testing, and teaching staff member observation reports.
- The Director of Curriculum and Instruction or designee will confer with past and present teachers of any student identified in the review of files and of any student recommended for screening by a teacher.
- A committee comprised of the Principal, the Director of Guidance, the Data Coach, and the Program Director will receive the recommendations of the committee and will select those students who should participate in the program for gifted and talented students.
2. The continuum of services offered to gifted and talented students;
Regulation #2464 Gifted and Talented Students Program
When a student has been identified as gifted or talented, the Supervisor of Guidance or designee will:
- Confer with the student's parent(s) on the goals of the student's program and secure the parent(s) cooperation and permission for the student's participation in the program;
- Interview each selected student for additional information about the student and for guidance in establishing an enriched educational program for the student; and
- Confer with the student's teacher about a proposed educational program for the student.
The enrichment needs of gifted and talented students can be met through a wide variety of activities and teaching strategies. Appropriate curricular and instructional modifications will be developed for gifted students and the program will address appropriate content, process, products, and learning environment.
Each student's program will seek to involve the student in all subject areas that can provide growth and stimulation in higher cognitive processes such as interpretation, extrapolation, translation, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
No enrichment program will replace the basic instructional program appropriate to the student's grade level.
The enriched educational program for a gifted and talented student may consist of:
- Advanced Course Offerings;
- Field Trips and Guest Speakers;
- Independent Study;
- Option Two.
A classroom teacher may provide for the needs of the gifted and talented students by:
- Integrating multiple disciplines into the study area;
- Developing the student's independent and self-directed study skills;
- Developing research skills and methods;
- Focusing on open-ended tasks;
- Using new techniques, materials, and forms;
- Encouraging self-evaluation.
3. The criteria used for consideration for eligibility for the gifted and talented services, including the multiple measures used in the identification process to match a student’s needs with services, and any applicable timelines in the identification process.
Regulation #2464 Gifted and Talented Students Selection Criteria:
The following criteria for identifying Gifted and Talented students in grades nine through twelve will be used: Gifted and Talented students will be provided with appropriate instructional adaptations and services to encourage the development of their special abilities in achieving success in the New Jersey State Learning Standards. Students will be considered for participation in the gifted and talented program when compared to their peers within the district. A student will be considered for participation in the program for gifted and talented students who have met multiple criteria as indicated below:
- Has standardized test scores in the ninety-fifth percentile in Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics.
- Has a minimum Lexile level for the following grade levels: 9th (1265); 10th (1340); 11th and 12th (1390).
- Achievement tests scores in the advanced proficient range.
- Consistently demonstrates academic performance with an overall unweighted average GPA of 95 or higher.
- Intelligence test scores in the 95th percentile.
- Displays an extraordinary artistic creative talent or creative ability with a high degree of self-motivation.
A committee will review the provided list of criteria on an annual basis.