Competitive Contract Report


Evaluation and Recommendation of an Award for the

Facilities Management Services Contract For the Period

July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2028

Dated: April 26, 2024

This report is being prepared in accordance with the requirements of competitive contracting under the "Public School Contracts Law," N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-4.1 et seq.for reasons explained herein.

The School Business Administrator/Board Secretary for the Board of Education of the Cape May County Special Services School in the County of Cape May, New Jersey undertook the solicitation of proposals for the "Facilities Management Services ("Program"). The solicitation was done in conformance with the competitive contracting process, pursuant to

N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-4.1 et seq. The Board of Education authorized the use of the competitive contracting process in a resolution passed on March 26, 2024. Previously, the Board of Education obtained the approval of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs' Division of Local Governmental Services to conduct the Program's procurement through the competitive contracting process.

Request for proposals (RFPs) were advertised in the The Press of Atlantic City on March 16, 2024. On April 9, 2024, the School Business Administrator conducted a pre-proposal walk- through meeting for all prospective respondents. A representative from Aramark Management Services, LP (Aramark) attended this meeting.

A Proposal was received and publicly opened at 10:06 a.m. on April 24, 2024 in the office of the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary. A proposal was received from Aramark Management Services, LP. This proposal arrived by the prescribed time and place and in sealed packaging. Upon opening, the submission was deemed complete.

The Board of Education established the following four criteria for the review of the proposals and to award the proposal to the entity that best met the requirements of these criteria and the weight assigned to each as detailed below. The evaluation was completed by the evaluation committee established and reviewed by members of that committee independently initially and the scores below reflect a compiled average score awarded by the committee. The committee consisted of the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary and the Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Both individuals executed the required statement certifying that they do not have a conflict of interest.

I.-         Management and Performance Criteria - 10%

Respondents were required to describe their on-site organization and off-site support for this assignment. Organizational charts along with the resumes of the on-site support team should be included in the proposal. The on-site personnel should have knowledge and experience in working with a school district that is the same approximate size and complexity as the Cape May County Special Services School District. A description of the Respondent’s off-site support for this assignment should also be presented.

Respondents are required to submit a representative sampling of client school districts currently being served. The proposal should identify the individual in each of the client organizations that can be called to assess the Respondent’s performance.


Awarded Score

Aramark Management Services, LP


Respondent Aramark Management Services, LP's submission was complete per requirements in this section.

  1. Custodial Operations Criteria -  20%

Respondents were required to demonstrate their ability to serve the School District’s custodial function. Information should include staffing charts, full-time to part-time ratios, square feet cleaned per hour/shift, and work schedules. A list of equipment and chemicals to be used should be disclosed. Proposals will be evaluated on project work schedules, inspection schedules, training schedules, personnel development, management development programs, inventory control, and safety inspection programs. The associated forms for each of these programs should also be included. The resumes of the key on-site supervisory staff associated with the custodial function should be included with the proposal.


Awarded Score

Aramark Management Services, LP


Respondent Aramark Management Services, LP's submission was complete per requirements in this section.

  1. Maintenance/Grounds Operations Criteria - 25%

Respondents were required to describe their company’s objectives, programs, and systems for corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, long-range planning, project work, employee productivity, procurement practices, and energy conservation. Preference will be given to proposals that provide the following submissions:

  1. Preventive maintenance reports and schedules for School District-owned equipment.

Respondents should provide sample preventive maintenance reports

  1. A suggested preventive maintenance plan for the Cape May County Special Services School District.
  1. System tracking of labor and material costs with each work request. Based on experience in other school districts, or organizations with the similar size and complexity as the Cape May County Special Services School District, the submission should demonstrate the percentage of requests completed within 30 days of submittal, and 90 days of submittal. The Respondent should also provide their standard for completion of these work requests.
  2. Current energy management tracking software/program reports utilizing actual printouts from the firm’s computerized maintenance software program. Respondents should demonstrate how the software/system tracks energy consumption, and corresponding cost, for each individual school. If possible, the proposal should identify areas of energy savings. The proposal should demonstrate that the program/system can be fully integrated into the maintenance program.
  3. Project reports and project work plans utilizing actual printouts from the firm’s computerized maintenance software program. Identify whether such reports provide a schedule for completion by a specific date.
  4. Explanation of Respondent’s plan, if any, for “green” initiatives. The Cape May County Special Services School District’s current green initiative consists of the following: recycling of paper, glass, plastic, and fluorescent light bulbs; monitoring of energy usage; use of green products for cleaning and the treatment of grounds with eco-friendly chemicals.


Awarded Score

Aramark Management Services, LP


Respondent Aramark Management Services, LP's submission was complete per requirements in this section.

  1. Cost Criteria and Financial Stability and Strength Criteria – 45%

Respondents were required to provide financial information that consists of annual reports and certified financial for the two most recent years.  Respondents were notified that Cost Criteria will be a major evaluative factor in the selection process and that they are to carefully provide competitive pricing in this endeavor.


Awarded Score

Aramark Management Services, LP


Respondent Aramark Management Services, LP's submission was complete per requirements in this section.



Total Awarded Score

Aramark Management Services, LP


Aramark’s base proposal price July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 $23,479.59 per month.

Years 2, 3 & 4 renewal based on ECI.

For the reasons outlined in this report, a contract is being recommended to Aramark Management Services, LP for the contract period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 based on its proposal dated April 24, 2024. This recommendation will be made to the Board of Education at its regular meeting of May 28, 2024. A copy of the Aramark Management Services, LP proposal is available for public inspection in the office of the School Business Administrator, 148 Crest Haven Road, Cape May County Special Services, New Jersey during normal business hours. Business office's phone number is 609-465-2020 ext 2211.

This report was prepared by Kathleen Allen in her capacity as School Business Administrator/Board Secretary of the Board of Education of the Cape May County Special Services School. All inquiries about the report or the procurement procedures outlined herein should be made accordingly.