District Goals

  1. Curriculum, Instructional Program, and Assessment
    • 100% of eligible students in grade 9-12 will participate in Community Based Instruction (CBI) or a Structured Learning Experience (SLE), to support independent learning, prevocational training, and job readiness, with provided individualized transition plans making connections to post-secondary supports, such as the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS).Enhance digital learning through the use of Google Classroom, Links, and digital choice-boards.
    • Eighty percent (80%) of the eligible students in grades 9-12 will participate in Community Based Instruction (CBI) or a Structured Learning Experience (SLE) be it person or through participation in vocational specials which will support independent learning and transition planning.
    • The academic progress of NJSLA tested students will be monitored using iReady Math and Reading Diagnostics. During this school year, these students will work toward achieving 60% of their typical growth in both Reading and Math.
  2. Professional Development
    • Continue to support Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to work collaboratively to enhance professional practice in self-selected areas of interest as well as district goals.
    • Provide training in best practices for Orton Gillingham.
    • Continue to support Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to work collaboratively to enhance professional practice in self-selected areas of interest as well as district goals.
    • Provide job coaches and teachers with Work Based Learning (WBL) and Community Based Instruction (CBI) training in Job Coaching and Career Exploration in Community Settings and Employment Specialist Foundations in coordination with the BOGG Center at Rutgers University. WBL teachers and high school case managers will be trained on providing DDD, DVRS, and other post-secondary services for our students exiting the CBI program.
    • Behavior Support Team members and ERI teachers will attend Life Space Crisis Intervention certification training provided by Cape Assist and will receive behavior management training and support through PLCs led by Michael McKnight.
  3. Professional Staff Evaluation
    • Continue working with the Administrative Team and the District Evaluation Advisory Committee (DEAC) to enhance teacher effectiveness as measured by the Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluation System and Student Growth Objectives (SGOs).
    • Enhance the capacity for members of the Administrative Team to provide faculty with actionable formative and summative feedback from observations and evaluations consistent with the Danielson Framework to increase teacher effectiveness.
  4. Technology
    • Continue to provide ongoing professional development with regard to digital tools, communication devices to families, staff, and students during the 2024-2025 school year.
    • Offer Tech Tuesdays to staff on various software and digital tools.