How to Become a Volunteer
We are excited that you are interested in taking this opportunity to volunteer at Cape May County Special Services School District and be a part of our team to work toward the success of every student.
The Cape May County Special Services School District recognizes that volunteers can enrich the educational program, increase the supervision of students, contribute to school safety, and strengthen relationships between the school district and community. Parents, guardians, family members, and members of the community are encouraged to share their time, knowledge, and abilities with the students.
If you would like to volunteer in the school district please talk to the Director of Ocean Academy, Director of CMC High School, or Director of Related Services and share your interest.
Included in the Volunteer Information which you will receive is a letter from the Assistant Superintendent as well as forms that will need to be completed and information on fingerprinting. The Cape May County Special Services School District Board of Education does not want the cost of fingerprinting to be a barrier for you to participate in volunteering, therefore, the school district will reimburse the cost of the volunteer fingerprint. Once the forms are completed please submit to the Assistant Superintendent's secretary in the Board Office.
Thank you to all of our current and future volunteers for sharing your time and talent with our students. Volunteers are an important addition to our school community and we are very greatful for your service.

Valerie Bowers