Affirmative Action Grievance Procedures
- Level 1
- Any employee or student who believes that he/she has a complaint shall discuss the alleged complaint with the building Principal and/or Affirmative Action Officer in an attempt to resolve the matter informally. A determination will be made by the Affirmative Action Officer no later than ten (10) school days after receiving notice of the alleged complaint and will be presented to the aggrieved.
- If as a result of the findings, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee or student within five (5) school days, he or she may submit a written complaint to the Affirmative Action Officer. The Affirmative Action Officer will investigate the matter and will respond to the complainant in writing no later than seven (7) school days after receipt of the written complaint. A copy of the complaint and the response will be forwarded to the Superintendent.
- Level 2
- The response of the Affirmative Action Officer may be appealed to the Superintendent in writing within three (3) school days after it has been received by the complainant. The appeal will include the original complaint, the response to the complaint, the complainant's reason for rejecting the response. The Superintendent shall confer with the concerned parties. They shall attempt to resolve the matter as quickly as possible but within a period not to exceed ten (10) school days. The Superintendent shall communicate his or her decision, in writing, with supporting reasons, to the employee, Affirmative Action Officer, Principal and Board of Education.
- Level 3
- The complainant may appeal the Superintendent's decision to the Board by filing a written appeal with the Board Secretary no later than three (3) school days after receipt of the Superintendent's decision. The Board will review all papers submitted and may render a decision on the basis of the proceedings below. The Board will render a written decision no later than forty-five calendar days after the appeal was filed. Copies of the decision will be given to all parties.
- Level 4
- If the parties involved, or any one thereof, are not satisfied with this determination, the grievance can then be referred to any one of the following agencies:
Bureau of Controversies and Disputes Commission
New Jersey Department of Education
PO BOX 500
Trenton, New Jersey 08265
Phone: (609) 292-5705
Equal Employment Opportunity
Newark District Office
1 Newark Center, 21st Floor
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Phone: 800-669-4000 or 973-645-6383
New Jersey Division on Civil Rights
140 East Front Street, 6th Floor
PO BOX 090
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Phone: 609-292-4605