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Cape May County Special Services School District

Cape May County Special Services School District

Nurses Office EntranceThe school nurse has a crucial role in the seamless provision of comprehensive health services to children and youth. Increasing numbers of students enter schools with chronic health conditions that require management during the school day. Our school nurses serve as team members in providing preventive services, early identification of problems, interventions, and referrals to foster health and educational success.
Please don't forget to contact the school nurse if your child has experienced any changes in his/her general health. This could be a new medical diagnosis, recent hospitalization, dental or eye exam, change in medication at home or school, a new medication etc.


A Reminder to Parents/Guardians:
Preschoolers will need to receive a Flu Vaccination before December 31 of each year until 59 months of age. 
If your child has already received a flu shot, please provide the school with verification. 
You may also ask your child's primary care provider to fax documentation to the school nurse at 609-665-8039.
Please contact the school nurse with any questions or concerns. 


Tdap & Meningococcal Vaccine (required): For students entering 6th grade (or comparable age level for Special Education) on or after 9/1/08 and born after 1/1/97, a dose of Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccine is Required for school attendance.
Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine:
The HPV vaccine is recommended for both boys and girls beginning at age 11-12. Also for girls/woman 13-26 years of age and for boys/men 13-26 years of age.  Parents should discuss this vaccine with their child's doctor.


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Health & Wellness - Ages & Stages - Child Care & Preschool - Family Support Services - Parenting & Early Learning - Career & Family Transitions - Advocacy & Leadership - Professional Resources
Linking Parents & Professionals to New Jersey's Early Childhood Services & Resources


NJ FamilyCare is a federal and state funded comprehensive health insurance program that provides a wide range of services such as doctor visits, eye glasses, labs, dental, hospitalization and more.
Children 18 and younger may apply for this program as well as certain low income parents and guardians. NJ FamilyCare is for families who do not have available or affordable employer insurance and cannot afford to pay the high cost of private health insurance.


Stacey Lera
(609) 465-2720 ex: 4424
School Nurse
Kaitlyn Rupert
(609) 465-2720 ex: 4415
School Nurse
Megan Clunn
Nursing Secretary


Department of Health
for Cape May County
6 Moore Road
Cape May Court House NJ 08210
Phone # (609-465-1187)
Local Hospitals: 
Cape Regional Medical Center
2 Stone Harbor Blvd
Cape May Court House NJ 08210
Phone #: 609-463-2273
Shore Medical Center
100 Medical Center Way
Somers Point NJ 08244
Phone #: 609-653-3500
Atlanticare Regional Medical Center
(City Division with Pediatric floor)
1925 Pacific Ave
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Phone #: 609-345-4000
Inspira Medical Center (Vineland)
1505 W Sherman Ave
Vineland NJ 08360
Phone #: 856-641-8000