Substance Abuse Policy Statement
The Board of Education recognizes alcohol and other drug dependency as an illness and a major health and behavior problem and recognizes that unless schools and their students are drug and alcohol free, optimum conditions for learning do not exist. The Board of Education, by adopting this policy, which was developed through administration and staff participation, directs the Assistant Superintendent and staff to place into effect procedures for this policy. The Board pledges not only to meet, but to exceed State and Federal mandates for an alcohol and drug free district by providing the best programs possible for enforcement, intervention, and prevention of drug and alcohol abuse.
Students are prohibited from possessing, consuming or distributing drugs and alcohol in any form while at school, on school grounds, attending a school related function on or off campus, and traveling to and from school. Students are further prohibited from smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes or using tobacco products in any form in school buildings and on school grounds.
Students may be subject to medical examination, suspension, and other disciplinary sanctions established by this policy. Students and their parents/guardians are advised that New Jersey laws may require additional penalties beyond school sanctions for drug-related offenses on and off school grounds. A summary of these laws and the penalties will be provided to students and their parents/guardians annually.
If a student is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the parent will be called and arrangements will be made to have the student tested. A student may not return to school until the testing is complete and a doctor has verified that the student may return to school.
The Cape May County Special Services School District will make every effort to prevent student involvement with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful behavioral-health matters by providing age appropriate education programs and supportive counseling. Parents and staff will receive detailed information about the procedures and consequences, legal and health related, of the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
The Board of Education further directs the Assistant Superintendent or his/her designee to conduct an annual review of the Policy and Procedures, and to report on the effectiveness to the Board of Education.
In establishing this policy, the Board of Education further directs the Assistant Superintendent to have programs and procedures developed and implemented for the purpose of assisting students who experience problematic drug or alcohol use. It is the Board’s intention to use the disciplinary sanctions of this policy as a means of helping students recover from the debilitating effects of alcohol and drug abuse. It is in this spirit that the development and enforcement of the policy is intended.
The school Director has further information on the implementation of this policy in each of our schools.