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Cape May County Special Services School District

Cape May County Special Services School District

  • Ocean Academy, 609-465-2720 ext. 4414 or 4415
  • CMC High School, 609-465-2720 ext. 4423 or 4424

A nurse is available in the Health Office for cases of school related injury or illness during school hours. A student whose illness necessitates his/her leaving school must have that fact recorded in both the Health Office and the School Office. Other emergencies that necessitate a parent/guardian picking up their child during the school day must be handled through the School Office. A written request MUST be signed by the parent/guardian (no verbal requests will be honored) and given to the School Office for school records. Signing out without proper authorization will be considered leaving school without permission regardless of who provides the transportation and will result in implementation of the discipline code. Students are not permitted to take any medication in school except under the nurse’s supervision. A parent/guardian must send the original prescription bottle to school indicating the accurate dosage and a prescription dated for the current year. Please see the Medication section on page 18.