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Cape May County Special Services School District

Cape May County Special Services School District

Parents/Guardians who transport their child(ren) to school must follow the following procedures upon arrival:
  • Parents/Guardians must park in the lot closest to the GEB Wing which is located off of Crest Haven Road via Driveway #3 by the Board Office entrance.
  • Parents/Guardians must sign-in their child at the parent drop off/pick up station located by the Board Office Entrance.
  • Students will be escorted to their classroom by CMCSSSD Staff.
  • After 9:00AM Parents/Guardians must go to the GEB Wing Main Office to sign in your child(ren) and Parents will wait in Room 201 with their child.
To ensure the safety of students, parents/guardians, bus drivers and staff, who will be transporting their child(ren) from school at the close of the school day must follow the following procedures:
  • Parents/Guardians must be parked by 2:00 pm in the lot closest to the GEB Wing.
  • Parents/Guardians must sign-out their child at the parent drop off/pick up station located by the Board Office signifying the release of the student to the parent/guardian. Students will be escorted by staff to the parent pick-up station.